
The word gusset amuses me, That might mean I have the maturity of a five year but it the only thing that kept me sane today. I started making my chemise today and its the first time I have used a sewing pattern in about a decade. If you thought Ikea instructions were  bad you should try Sewing pattern instruction for a whole new level of annoying. I knew there was a reason why I always prefered making patterns by deconstructing existing garments. I’m the same with directions; other people’s instruction confuse the hell out of me, but give me a map and im fine.

So I’m doing the chemise from Simplicity 9769, the first problem I encountered was the sizing. I’m never sure what size I am part of the problem is I have lost a lot of weight recently so that I have been a fluctuating dress size for a while. Most of the time I tend to fit in a UK size 10 / 12. When I measure myself with a tape measure and use the chart on the pattern I am coming out as a size 18! after scratching my head for a while I decided to sod the measurement and just make a size 12.

There been a lot of head scratching today while I decipher the instructions but I’m getting there and about half of the way through at the moment. It feels like the flat felled seams are taking ages but I think that just because I don’t particularly like them, I know they are historically accurate but overlocker’s were invented for a reason! Hopefully I have a chemise ready tomorrow, as long as I haven’t been driven mad my flat felled seam’s

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About backtobusk

Intially my blog was just Corset Related Rantings(hense back to busk) but has evolved to document all of my craft activities

2 responses to “Gusset”

  1. Ara says :

    I am also far too amused by “gusset”. Also can concur, pattern sizes make no sense whatsoever.


    • backtobusk says :

      There lots of crytic dots and notches, I think I know what they all mean now but I get the feeling they change meaning between different brands of patterns just to confuse you!


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